UrbanCode (5)
UrbanCode Deploy - Deployment Automation IBM UrbanCode Deploy is a tool for automating application deployments through your environments. It is designed to facilitate rapid feedback and continuous delivery in agile development while providing the audit trails, versioning, and approvals needed in production. Watch the 4-minute demo IBM UrbanCode Deploy provides Automated, consistent deployments and rollbacks of applications Automated provisioning, updating, and de-provisioning of cloud environments Orchestration of changes across servers, tiers, and components Configuration and security differences across environments Clear visibility: what is deployed where and who changed what Integrated with middleware, provisioning, and service virtualization IBM UrbanCode Deploy is available in a variety of licensing plans. It is also available as a hosted service. For information about buying options, see the IBM Marketplace. Typical Uses Continuous Delivery: Integrate with the build and test tools to automatically deploy, test and promote new builds Production Deployments: Orchestrate a complex production deployment of applications…
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Urbancode References Financial Services Fidelity Worldwide Investment Reduced deployment times from 2-3 days, to just 1-2 hours. Eliminated error-prone steps. Saved $2.3 million per year in cost avoidance for a single application. Learn more | Download Case Study Read about their opinion on the web: The opinion of Fidelity Banks employee on the Web "It’s a must-have. UrbanCode Deploy provides great advantages" Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Improving agility with DevOps based on IBM UrbanCode software and the IBM Cloud platformBendigo and Adelaide Bank deployed a DevOps solution based on IBM® UrbanCode® software and the IBM Cloud platform to improve development governance, automate development processes and bring new applications and services online more quickly.Learn more | Rabo Bank Rabobank Transforms Its Payments System With DevOps Learn more | Reference Video Amica Insurance Reduces software deployment times by 95-98%. Decreased non-code related build failures from 20 percent to less than 1…
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Deploy your apps with IBM BlueBox & IBM UrbanCode Deploy https://mediacenter.ibm.com/media/Explore+UrbanCode+Deployâs+Components+and+Applications/1_u782azcm Forrester ROI Study DevOps Chat mentioning Healthcare and UrbanCode Transforming Healthcare with UrbanCode Deploy Optimizing Healthcare Software Delivery with UrbanCode Urbancode Articles on developerWoks
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Make the Case for ROI with UrbanCode Deploy Guided Tour Go Hands On Contact Us Are you ready to make the case to your executives and stakeholders that deployment automation solutions, such as IBM UrbanCode Deploy, is worth the investment in time, resources, and finances? Below are resources and tools you can use to help monetize the benefits and ROI of deployment automation tools. In addition, there are several blog posts that specifically address ways management should think about DevOps and justifying ROI. TEI: The Total Economic Impact of Increased Application Velocity IBM commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct their Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study that examines and quantifies potential return on investment (ROI) for IBM UrbanCode Deploy within an enterprise DevOps environment. The study determined that a composite organization, based on the customers interviewed, experienced an ROI of 482%! Discover the economic impact and adapt it to your organization ROI Calculator for IBM UrbanCode…
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There are 4 options for how you can license the server Virtual server and managed virtual server (Server Agent) licensing In this scenario, the server and agents require separate licenses. You apply the IBM URBANCODE DEPLOY SERVER AGENT VIRTUAL SERVERlicense to the server and IBM URBANCODE DEPLOY SERVER AGENT MANAGED VIRTUAL SERVER licenses to the agents. If an agent does not have a license, it cannot run processes. In this scenario, you can either allow the server to assign licenses to agents automatically or you can assign licenses to agents manually. See Applying licenses to servers and agents. The licenses are released when the agents are deleted. UrbanCode Deploy is configured with a finite number of Server Agent licenses for an organization. When the maximum number of licenses are in use, any additional agents configured will become unlicensed and cannot run processes. Any process run on an unlicensed agent will log an error message.…
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