Royal Bank Of Canada Speeds Deployments With DevOps Supported By IBM UrbanCode
Displaying items by tag: urbancode
Join us for a discussion about UrbanCode Deploy and Instana - how they integrate and provide incredibly fast feedback on the stability of applications in production. If you don't know UrbanCode Deploy, you will get a quick overview, and an overview of Instana. Then, a demo of the power instana brings to troubleshooting and improving or even avoiding Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR).

Laurel Dickson-Bull, GTM Product Manager - IBM DevOps

Randy Langehenning, Hybrid Cloud DevOps Technical Specialist
Jan 18, 2022; 10 AM & Jan 20, 2022; 10 AM
Bei voller Sicht Turbo anschalten - In der heutigen Welt der mobilen, bzw. Web-Anwendungen müssen diese immer verfügbar und mit der bestmöglichen Performance für die Endbenutzer laufen. Durch die große Zahl an verschiedenen Services, die eine solche Applikation ausmachen können und die Vielzahl an Infrastruktur-Ressourcen (on-prem, off-prem), die dabei genutzt werden, verliert man schnell den Überblick bzw. hat "blinde Flecken", die man nicht einsehen kann. Letztendlich scheint man als Verantwortlicher für eine Anwendung wie durch einen Nebel auf die Ressourcenauslastung und Performance einer Anwendung zu blicken. Nachdem eine Anwendung bereitgestellt ist, weiß man in der Regel nicht, ob diese optimal genutzt wird oder ob es irgendwo zu Engpässen und damit zu Problemen kommt.
Mit IBM's Application Performance Management (APM) und Application Ressource Management (ARM) Lösungen, lichten Sie diesen Nebel. Wir zeigen Ihnen in dieser Veranstaltung wie Sie in der Lage sind, eine komplette Sicht auf alle IT-Ressourcen und Anwendungen zu bekommen. Dazu gehört auch wie Sie diese automatisch skalieren und überwachen können, sowie auch KI-gestützt, eine effiziente Analyse und Problembehebung vornehmen können.
“You can´t fix what you can´t see!”
Termin: Jan 18, 2022; 10AM
Um Ihre umfangreiche IT-Landschaft up-to-date zu halten, nutzen Sie z.B. UrbanCode Deploy für die Continuous Delivery all Ihrer Anwendungen. Die Überwachung dieser Anwendungen in PROD erfordert immer mehr Aufwand und wird zunehmend schwierig.
Ein Überblick über das gesamte System und seine einzelnen Komponenten und Microservices ist kaum mehr möglich. Die Enterprise Observability Platform IBM Instana nimmt automatisch Beobachtbarkeitsmetriken, traces und Ereignisse auf und setzt alle Anwendungs-, Service- und Infrastruktur-Abhängigkeiten in Kontext zueinander. Entwickler können sofort intelligente Maßnahmen zu allen aufgetretenen und sich abzeichnenden Problemen in den Anwendungen ableiten und ergreifen. Echtzeit-Analysen helfen Anwendungen performant zu bleiben.
Mit Instana sind Sie in der Lage, Ihre Systeme zu überwachen und schnell unter anderem Ausfälle, schlechte Performance oder langsame Webseiten zu erkennen und die Probleme zügig zu beheben – ideal für agile DevOps-Teams. Wollen Sie eine hohe Verfügbarkeit und Qualität für Ihre Applikationen? Dann ist dieses Webinar genau das Richtige für Sie.
Einführung: Den Nebel lichten mit APM und ARM
Live-Demo: Einblick und Durchblick durch Observability mit IBM Instana
Zusammenfassung: Nie mehr Blind-Spots, testen Sie Instana selbst mit einem Choach an Ihrer Seite
Titel: Die neuen IBM Booster für Ihre Anwendungsentwicklung und Infrastruktur (Teil 1)
Datum: Jan 18, 2022
Zeit: 10:00 Uhr Mitteleuropäische Zeit
Dauer: 45 Minuten

Solutions Director
Softacus GmbH

Management & AIOps Technical Specialist
IBM Deutschland

DevOps Technical Specialist
IBM Deutschland
“Unterwegs mit dem Autopiloten für Ihre Anwendungsinfrastruktur”
Termin: Jan 20, 2022; 10AM
Das Erkennen von Performance Engpässen und Risiken, die die Zuverlässigkeit Ihrer Anwendungen gefährden, ist heute die wichtigste Aufgabe im Applikationsbetrieb. Denn wie sagt man: “Slow is the new down!”. Mit Turbonomic ARM gelingt es die Ressourcen Anforderungen Ihrer Anwendungen mit einer Supply Chain über den gesamten IT-Infrastrukturstack zu bedienen und damit automatisch auf mögliche Performancerisiken zu reagieren. Die Sicherstellung der Erreichbarkeit und Arbeitsfähigkeit Ihrer Anwendungen unter dem Aspekt bestmöglicher Effizienz in der Ressourcenausnutzung, ist das Ziel von Turbonomic Application Resource Management – Eben wie ein Autopilot für IT-Anwendungen.
- Einführung: Den Nebel lichten mit APM und ARM
- Live-Demo: Mit Weitsicht Ressourcen optimieren durch den Einsatz von IBM Turbonomic
- Zusammenfassung: Nie mehr Blind-Spots, testen Sie Turbonomic selbst mit einem Coach an Ihrer Seite
Titel: Die neuen IBM Booster für Ihre Anwendungsentwicklung und Infrastruktur (Teil 2)
Datum: Jan 20, 2022
Zeit: 10:00 Uhr Mitteleuropäische Zeit
Dauer: 45 Minuten

Solutions Director
Softacus GmbH

Management & AIOps Technical Specialist
IBM Deutschland

DevOps Technical Specialist
IBM Deutschland
Urbancode References
Financial Services
Fidelity Worldwide Investment 
Reduced deployment times from 2-3 days, to just 1-2 hours. Eliminated error-prone steps. Saved $2.3 million per year in cost avoidance for a single application.
Learn more | Download Case Study
Read about their opinion on the web:
The opinion of Fidelity Banks employee on the Web
"It’s a must-have. UrbanCode Deploy provides great advantages"
Bendigo and Adelaide Bank 
Improving agility with DevOps based on IBM UrbanCode software and the IBM Cloud platform
Bendigo and Adelaide Bank deployed a DevOps solution based on IBM® UrbanCode® software and the IBM Cloud platform to improve development governance, automate development processes and bring new applications and services online more quickly.
Learn more |
Rabo Bank 
Rabobank Transforms Its Payments System With DevOps
Amica Insurance
Reduces software deployment times by 95-98%. Decreased non-code related build failures from 20 percent to less than 1 percent for a key project, reduced deployment of new web services from several days to two hours, and improved developer software setup from 1.5 days to 25 minutes.
Royal Bank Of Canada
Healthcare and Pharma
HM Health Solutions
(HMHS, previously Highmark)
HMHS established continual development practices using the IBM® UrbanCode® software suite and built optimized, automated processes using IBM Business Process Manager software.
Aim Speciality Health
(now part of Aetna)
Based on Research for the following webpage.
Healthcare information provider streamlines deployment with DevOps
In the following Case Study, IBM details how this healthcare information provider—which remains anonymous—used IBM UrbanCode Deploy to get products to market faster. While the name of the company is not disclosed, IBM does reveal that it is a United States company that employs approximately 1,500 people, and develops and maintains more than 200 applications.
A healthcare information provider cuts deployment time down to minutes
BlueCross BlueShield
Whitepaper mentioning UrbanCode
"NeoLoad is an open solution that provides several APIs. “It was easy to integrate with our Continuous Delivery pipeline supported by IBM Urban Code,” says Bradley. Performance tests are automatically launched weekly, which enables BCBST to detect performance issues earlier in the sprint. Continuous Delivery is implemented using a Continuous Integration tool – IBM Urban Code."
Read Full Sory Here
"We are using Jenkins 1.580.1.1 with UrbanCode Deploy plugin"
“UrbanCode Deploy provides us with ease of repeatable and automated deployments. We have been able to introduce continuous delivery for our users. Dev and QA no longer have to wait for deployments to be approved and scheduled, they now own their environments.”
Read the full Story here
Other Companies
Pearson VUE 
Automated releases save staff hours of work per release and cut release times down from up to two weeks to just an hour.
Download Case Study
Silverpop, an IBM Company
An internal success story shows how we simply prefer to “eat our dog food”. Reduced deployment times by 95%. Saw a 33% increase in the velocity of major releases, and minor updates and patches are released weekly with zero downtime. Estimated cost savings of $1M per year!
To help customers make better products to market more quickly, Infosys Ltd. built the Infosys Continuous Integration Platform, which integrates with IBM UrbanCode Deploy software. The company boosts time to market by up to 30 percent and improves product quality by almost 20 percent.
Learn more about UrbanCode:
Read more about the solution at Infosys:
Daimler Trucks NA
Link to Video Reference
Other Companies Using Urbancode Deploy
Company |
Industry |
All Points Logistics | Transportation |
Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. | Insurance |
Compa?a Integra Soluciones - | Technical |
Datamation Technologies PVT LTD | Technical |
Forsys Inc. | Technical |
Fynbosys Inc. | Technical |
Gartner | Technical |
GM Financial | Entertainment |
Imagine One Technology & Management LTD | Technical |
KPK Technologies | Technical |
Mobiliya Technologies | Technical |
NASS Systems Inc. | Technical |
Northwestern Mutual | Unclassified Establishments |
Prodigy Labs | Technical |
RBC | Finance |
SATCON Inc. | Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment |
State Farm | Unclassified Establishments |
The Jonah Group | Technical |
The Lockwood Group | Manufacturing |
Tramway Technologies PVT LTD | Business Services |
Uline | Business Services |
USAA | Unclassified Establishments |
Wells Fargo | Finance |
Xinergia Laboral | Business Services |
Deploy your apps with IBM BlueBox & IBM UrbanCode Deploy
There are 4 options for how you can license the server
Virtual server and managed virtual server (Server Agent) licensing
In this scenario, the server and agents require separate licenses. You apply the IBM URBANCODE DEPLOY SERVER AGENT VIRTUAL SERVERlicense to the server and IBM URBANCODE DEPLOY SERVER AGENT MANAGED VIRTUAL SERVER licenses to the agents. If an agent does not have a license, it cannot run processes.
In this scenario, you can either allow the server to assign licenses to agents automatically or you can assign licenses to agents manually. See Applying licenses to servers and agents. The licenses are released when the agents are deleted.
UrbanCode Deploy is configured with a finite number of Server Agent licenses for an organization. When the maximum number of licenses are in use, any additional agents configured will become unlicensed and cannot run processes. Any process run on an unlicensed agent will log an error message. To resolve licensing warnings, additional licenses must be obtained, or existing licenses must be reassigned among the agents.
For this type of licensing, the Server License Type field shows Server Agent.
Concurrent sessions (floating licenses)
In this scenario, the IBM UrbanCode Deploy server does not require a separate license.
Although session-based licensing is provided to accommodate fluctuations in application processing demands, peak processing demands result in more requested licenses than available. In order to avoid interruptions in deployments when a license server or servers run out of licenses, the agent is permitted to run the process and an entry is made in the error log. It is the customer's responsibility to monitor session usage and adjust licensing needs as required.
For this type of licensing, the Server License Type field shows Session.
Processor value unit (PVU) licensing
For this type of licensing, the Server License Type field shows Managed Capacity.
You can track your use of the PVU licenses with the IBM License Metric Tool.
Urbancode PVU licensing is a restricted pricing type. It is available, however, requires approval.
Concurrent sessions (token licenses)
Although session-based licensing is provided to accommodate fluctuations in application processing demands, peak processing demands result in more requested licenses than available. In order to avoid interruptions in deployments when a license server or servers run out of licenses, the agent is permitted to run the process and an entry is made in the error log. It is the customer's responsibility to monitor session usage and adjust licensing needs as required.
For this type of licensing, the Server License Type field shows Session.
Urbancode Token licensing is a restricted pricing type. It is available, however, requires approval.