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Displaying items by tag: Migration Tool



IBM Migrator Jan 1

As operations expand and projects grow in complexity, previously implemented information system sooner or later will require migration to a new platform. Although you may have successfully been using IBM DOORS in your engineering projects for a long time, new projects may need requirements management capabilities that are supported by IBM DOORS Next only.

To respond to the demand for sophisticated and advanced requirements management capabilities in current and future projects, DOORS Next was designed with an entirely new leading-edge architecture. Its scalability, support for Global Configuration Management, variants management and reuse are a game changer in reducing cost and time to market.

Now, the foundation for a successful migration process with a low risk for unpleasant surprises requires thorough planning and a good understanding of your current requirements meta structure.

Softacus has developed migration toolkits that help ensure a smooths transition process.

Join Jan Jancar, Solution Director and CEO of Softacus, on 30.05.2024 when he will delve into IBM DOORS and IBM DOORS Next solutions, focusing on:

  • Reasons for migration / motivations behind migration and when is the perfect time to migrate
  • Navigating the migration process: challenges and opportunities
  • Migration targets based on object types (requirements, norms, validation, work items)
  • Specific handling: data cleanup; target model; unsupported DOORS data
  • Project effort estimation
  • Tips and tricks
  • Softacus capabilities to make migration smoother and/or possible
  • Licensing

Watch the session on-demand under this link

Main Functionalities

  • Ability to migrate big amount of modules from DOORS to DNG
  • Possibility to transform the data according to specific user needs (split, merge modules)
  • Transformation of attributes
  • Transformation in GCM context; view to stream, split across components
  • Ability to migrate history and baselines



DOORS Tables

Our application has the ability to transform DOORS Tables into DNG HTML Tables within the DNG Artifact.
Also, we support the ability to transform OLE excel tables into DNG artifact HTML tables.  

Migration of History data

Ability to save DOORS object history and import it into either an attribute or initial content of a "primary text" attribute.
Possibility to make a link back to original object in case of migration without the history (recommended option).

(Currently in development) Import from specific DOORS baseline.

High Automation Level

The tool have API in order to create automation for:

  • Artifact creation and mapping
  • Attribute creation and mapping
  • Link Type creation
  • Project area & component creation
  • GCM creation
  • Creation of views, folders, streams and baselines
  • Create User in Jazz
  • Automated assignment of Group to the User


  • Rich text into attributes
  • DXL Layouts into string attributes
  • Ability to convert attributes into embedded artifacts (i.e. for parametrization)
  • Transformations of pictures. We support png, jpeg, jpg. Due to DNG limitations, .wmf and .svg are not supported


  • Recreation of links within the project area
  • Recreation of links within the component
  • Recreation of links across project areas
  • Recreation of links across components with GC context

Splitting of Data

  • Split to several components 
  • Split to project areas
  • Split to several servers
  • Split of data by view to several streams
  • Stream Updates

Profiles per Each project

The solution have customizable possibilities (currently via YAML file) to set up a profile for migration of each project

Migration of Views

The solution supports migration of view (beta)
Some views are non-compatible in DNG, and we tag them

Lightning Speed

We have developed a concept how to avoid thousands/millions of calls to DNG

Example 10 000 artifacts 150 seconds


  • PA Size
  • Modules size
  • Number of attributes
  • Number of artifacts


  • checks count and data
  • count object types attribute types
  • views
  • links


  • Object view to component stream
  • Attribute harmonization
    • Possible automated cleanup of the data
  • Mapping of custom object types to artifact types
  • Storage of mapping per each execution
  • Sandboxing  -migrate test and improve

OLE Object Handling

  • Migration of OLE from attribute into primary text (merge) or as linked artifact (link to base artifact)
  • Ability to migrate pictures as embedded or standalone artifacts. Linking of embedded pictures to its artifacts (as base artifact link)


Error handling prior and after the migration

Test Management

(Planned) Test on each object with proof that the artifact was migrated from DOORS to DNG properly

Other Advanges

  • Keep reference to DOORs classic
  • 60 widgets available from Softacus for DNG with mainly common architecture. Widget are resolving several gaps and increase user experience in DNG
  • Support for Tags,
  • Handling of huge project data
  • Own migration server and infrastructure for Migration
  • Unicode special symbols handling
  • Nested symbols handling
  • Incompatibility checks
  • Attributes merging
  • We can recreate DXL scripts in Js Java and Python or other language if required

Technical Information

  • Concurrent loading from DOORS to DNG
  • Usage of internal DB during Migration, which allows flexible linking after the migration of the data
  • Possibility to resume of the migration process in case of a disruption


Flexible for any customer use case

All migrations are different.  We have built this solution, because the traditional ways of migrating were not sufficient for our and our customer needs.

This video show first release of the solution.



Development of specific APIs

The tool is able to to custom migration due to the fact that we have created our own APIs.


Softacus AG

Löwenstrasse 20
8001 Zürich
E-Mail: info@softacus.com
Tel.: +41 43 5087081
Fax: +41 43 344 6075 

VAT: CHE-108.817.809 MWST
D-U-N-S® Number 486800618


Softacus GmbH

Westendstrasse 28
60325 Frankfurt am Main
E-Mail: info@softacus.com
Tel.: +49 69 34876544
Fax: +49 69 5830 35709

VAT: DE301903892
D-U-N-S® Number 313482703


Softacus s.r.o.

Křídlovická 351/47A
603 00 Brno
Czech Republic
E-Mail: info@softacus.com
Tel.: +420 530333482
Fax: +41 43 344 6075

VAT: CZ07286333
D-U-N-S® Number 496165108


Softacus s.r.o.

Tatranské nám. 3
058 01 Poprad
E-Mail: info@softacus.com
Tel: +421 911 083 612
Fax: +41 43 344 6075

VAT: SK2121388148
D-U-N-S® Number  2121388148


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